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更新: 2017-10-09
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  How to determine the magnetic mechanical watch

  1, the magnetic field is everywhere, the original with good carry of watches, all of a sudden time error, the first is about to guess whether the magnetic. Manipulator table there are a lot of steel materials, such as the size of the steel wheel, the escapement wheel, gear shaft tenon, bearings, screws and balance spring, as a result, the watch is very easy to be magnetized. Mechanical watches once magnetization, the first is the error of the impact of the increase, serious still can make the watch had stopped.

  2, in today's social life, electronic products everywhere, therefore, in our side there is a strong or weak magnetic field. Various types of permanent magnets in electric equipment is used in great quantities, is a typical speakers and motor, magnet magnetized and dc magnetic field can be "hard magnetic materials such as steel. As well as with magnetic clasp, watches, and credit card are the most afraid of with magnetic.

  3, the magnetic field is everywhere, the original with good carry of watches, all of a sudden time error, the first is about to guess whether the magnetic. Manipulator table there are a lot of steel materials, such as the size of the steel wheel, the escapement wheel, gear shaft tenon, bearings, screws and balance spring, as a result, the watch is very easy to be magnetized. Mechanical watches once magnetization, the first is the error of the impact of the increase, serious still can make the watch had stopped.

  4, mechanical watch by magnetic is generally going faster will stop walk (severe), if the balance spring circle between suction stick together, and then watch go faster, can quickly about 2 hours/days. Steel parts are most likely to be magnetized, including the escapement wheel and tackled longitudinal fork, and balance spring, magnetic will influence and interfere with the balance wheel oscillation cycle.

  5, so, how to judge whether mechanical watch by magnetic?

  (1) the simplest judgment method is to use a sensitive point of the compass, flat. Then watch close fast repeatedly over the top of the compass, which also need the watch change a few more orientation, repeat. As long as the compass needle to move that table has been affected by magnetic.

  (2) mechanical watch by magnetic can do demagnetization, the principle of demagnetization device which is able to produce an alternating magnetic field, put a watch in the magnetic field, is the demagnetization if it is a constant magnetic field, it will be magnetized. Demagnetization device can have buy or self-control, generally watch shop have demagnetization and professional service.

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