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更新: 2017-10-09
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  watch over the serious damage to the broken case, will lead to decline of seal watch, caused a decline and even loss of waterproof function. From the watch watch material, vintage watches glass plastic watch will not be broken, but mineral crystal and sapphire glass surface now general is very easy to have broken the phenomenon. What should be the case for Cartire's table cover broken, how should handle and maintain

  watches maintenance center professional repair division, said: to watch accidentally fading to the ground, or accidentally bump cause watch scratches, cracks, broken edges or even completely broken etc.. Usually only the first two will affect the appearance of the watch. But if it is the latter, you need to replace the watch glass.

  if the watch glass completely burst, and damage to internal surface is above the glass debris caused dissatisfaction with the dial dial, need to immediately pull out table to let the watch stops running. The calendar and adjustment can not be pulled out without permission. Keep watch watch table is located down, immediately sent to the watch Maintenance Agency for maintenance.

  table is broken must go to the professional repair table shop for table, do not secretly deal with, so as not to damage the watch, resulting in serious losses. If there is anything else is not clear, click online consultation technician, and technicians directly exchange it.

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