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  watches and golf has puzzled love, in order to make up for the golf table can not wear defects, many watch manufacturers to develop a professional golf spare no effort to watch today's golf enthusiasts can have it both ways.

  according to statistics, 80% of high-end watches are masters of golf's loyal followers, but they must be in before the end off the beloved watch, the reason is very simple: they are not the senior watch Golf Club rivals. A lot of people playing a ball down, found his watch out, he kept complaining about the business, they do not know the impact force generated by the swing will make spring up together, to watch too fast or even shut down; if the impact even greater, there may jump out from the gossamer gossamer pile. The shock absorber spring, easy to fall off, a variable speed needle, the influence to the control system is fatal. This issue, we especially for you summed up the five recommendations of the treasure Watch:

  advice: do not think the more expensive table is more solid, sauna fitness, the mountain across the river to do anything. In fact, the more expensive table, the more need to cherish, the more it should avoid all unnecessary damage.

  recommendation two: many people play will be equipped with a professional skin to hold a table, then put the bottle on the ball on the car. If you are in trouble, you can put the watch on a belt, or put it in a T-shirt pocket.

  recommendation three: golf is not separated from the sun, usually play a ball to be exposed in the sun for four hours. However, some watch dial is easy to change in the sun, especially the lacquer dial. once the dial discoloration, the impact is very beautiful, if the replacement, not only trouble, but the cost is not cheap. So, in the days of strong sunlight end, remember to shade your watch.

  four: don't think you chose a sports watch on sleep without any anxiety. Ordinary sports watch also cannot resist the impact of swing. If you are accustomed to using the watch control play rhythm, suggest that you choose a professional golf watch.

  recommendation five: even if you wear a professional golf watch next, also must let the watch strap and wrist tightly, which does not affect the swing, and can guarantee the watch is not damaged.

  目前,在全国拥有上百家实体终端,覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州等国内一线城市。 2项复杂性能如今,Ref. 6002天文陀飞轮的诞生作为其后继之深圳欧米茄 回收作,更是重新定义了超级复杂性能的概念,唯有业内顶尖的制表工艺和艺深圳欧米茄 回收术创新才能打造出这样的精美表壳和表盘。 大多数顶级奢华手表买家发起新并购[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5313241.html]2 (96)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5313239.html]2 (53)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5313235.html]2 (11)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5313229.html]2 (39)[/url]-

