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  many people have the habit of wearing watches. In the summer, people sweat more, watches are prone to sweat erosion, so in the summer maintenance of watches is very important. Different materials of the watch, in the maintenance also has a different focus. This issue, we will introduce you to a few of the maintenance of the small common sense.

  jewelry watches

  inlaid jewelry watch is not only a timing tool, but also a beautiful accessories. It needs more careful care of the wearer before it can keep shining like new. In the summer, people dress less, watch the watch is easy to collide with other objects, jewelry inlaid jewelry is easy to loose or fall off. In order to avoid the occurrence of this phenomenon, should pay attention to the following points:

  1 in order to avoid the impact of the watch, it is best to take off when the movement.

  in 2 before wearing, watch the gem of the best to check whether there is loose, if any, should be timely to be re fixed in order to avoid the loss.

  mechanical watches

  mechanical watch dial is generally a metal material, rust appears easily in the humid air, especially in the rain more southern rust phenomenon will be more obvious. Therefore, in the maintenance should pay attention to the following:

  1 when wearing, should promptly wipe the sweat on the dial, and the mist and condensation because of moist air, try to dial in the dry state.

  2 if the position of metal watches appear rust, can be used to quickly wipe the rust liquid. The specific method is the rust liquid according to the proportion of good, with a soft cotton cloth dipped in rust liquid wipe watches rusty, until the rust removal clean.


  Gold Plated

  due to the chemical stability of gold and good abrasion resistance, so many brands are the love plated on the surface of watch. However, a long time to wear watches plated white gold and rose gold, especially in the summer sweat more wear may appear slight discoloration. This is because human sweat contains a small amount of chloride, lactic acid, urea, ammonia and other substances, these substances can react with gold after contact, resulting in chemical salt trace deep black gold, causing discoloration. In order to keep the gold color, the wearer should pay attention to the following points:

  1 carat gold material to avoid erosion by sweat, in daily wear watches, preferably on a regular basis with a wet cotton cloth to wipe the gold plating part, to remove dust and sweat.

  2 water after cleaning, hair dryer available will watch dry, avoid water erosion residual gold.

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