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"It is extraordinary. He ought to be ashamed of himself," said the member, angrily, and taking out a cigarette.

This member, a very precise man, had had an unpleasant encounter with his wife in the morning, because she had spent her allowance before the

end of the month, and had asked him to give her some money in advance, but he would not give way to her, and they had a quarrel. The wife told

him that if he were going to behave so, he need not expect any dinner; there would be no dinner for him at home. At this point he left, fearing that

she might carry out her threat, for anything might be expected from her. "This comes of living a good, moral life," he thought, looking at the beaming,

healthy, cheerful, and kindly president, who, with elbows far apart, was smoothing his thick grey whiskers with his fine white hands over the

embroidered collar of his uniform. "He is always contented and merry while I am suffering."

In the corridor the secretary met Breve, who, with up lifted shoulders, a portfolio under one arm, the other swinging with the palm turned to the front, was hurrying along the corridor, clattering with his heels.

"Michael Petrovitch wants to know if you are ready?" the secretary asked.

"Of course; I am always ready," said the public prosecutor. "What are we taking first?"

"The poisoning case."

